Hong Kong Q-Mark Product Scheme is a product certification scheme in which companies with production plants in Hong Kong... |
This is a service scheme in which companies with service locations in Hong Kong, the mainland China and/or Macau can join. ... |
The Hong Kong Green Mark Certification Scheme is a system certification scheme. It helps to identify, control and monitor the environmental... |
The schemes are product certification scheme type 5 as refer to ISO/IEC 17067 and in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065. |
The Council launches the scheme to recognize elite service providers and assist consumers identifying quality brands..... |
Q STEM Certification Scheme was launched in 2023. It aims to standardize the evaluation of STEM products and ...... |
In order to assist companies in carrying out carbon management work, the Hong Kong Q-Mark Council launched Hong Kong Q-Carbon ...... |
Hong Kong Q-Mark Council responds to the current situation of ESG assurance in Hong Kong, and as society's awareness of ESG ...... |
The Hong Kong Q-Mark Council was established by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries in 1978 to pioneer quality and best practice in Hong Kong.
Its main objective is to enhance the product, service and environmental standards of companies through its Q-Mark schemes. |